What’s in a name?
My name is Tyler Winter… J Tyler Winter. I was once told by our hilarious UPS carrier, “J Tyler Winter? That sounds like the name of a celebrity… or a serial killer.” I’m thinking neither but I’m still young. There’s a history in my family of calling the children by their middle name. But I’ve broken that tradition. My daughter can thank me later. By the way, the ‘J’ stands for John and I’m unfortunately of no relation to one of the best presidents ever: John Tyler.
I’ve worked in the VoIP industry off and (mostly) on for nearly a decade now, where I architect, manage, and monitor systems of machines, and code deployment pipelines.
Along with my two gymnast ninjas – my wife and two year old daughter – I am very blessed to live in beautiful Ramona, a rural community in San Diego county. I never thought I’d be married, and have a child. But here I am. I’m glad I changed my mind: The best decisions I’ve ever made. They bring me joy. I’d do anything for them and they are a great driver in my life.
Fun Fact
- There’s an 80% chance I’m more Neanderthal than you.