Hey. My name is Tyler. The locals call me tyl0r. I post technical notes and logs related to the projects I work on. Hopefully you find them useful.
Recent Posts
OpenSIPS High Availability
Our company is growing and because of this our infrastructure is growing too. Not a bad problem to have. We wanted to bring more FreeSWITCH servers online to test out the new version but this was proving difficult. Because of this we decided to introduce OpenSIPS into the mix in front of FreeSWITCH so that we can more easily control the ‘edge’ of our voice network. Now we have OpenSIPS operating as a SIP signaling proxy between our vendors and our media/feature servers (FreeSWITCH).
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Welcome to Home Ownership
Wow, what a weekend! My dad came over to help me install a whole house water softener on Saturday. I underestimated the scope, but any project has its share of roadblocks, or fractured water main fittings that causes flooding, right?
I have a tendency to think I can do anything, especially when it comes to installing, repairing, or modifying things. I put a supercharger in our old 3rd generation 4Runner because, why not?
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Elasticsearch Increase Disk
At my company we use AWS Elastic Search Service. It’s actually been great not having to manage the elastic cluster manually. As a test, I recently increased the disk space by 5GB per node to see how AWS manages this. In the AWS console you simply change your disk space size, then apply the changes.
You can query your cluster using the _cat API to see that AWS automatically brought three new nodes online with the designated disk space.
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